Blog del Axolotl y otros animales.

The national-racing like a pro


I've rendered myself, I know myself now more than ever, far beyond my own boundaries.

The ropes are no more an excuse, my own body is my prerogative, somehow a tomb for feelings and thouhgts, no ropes mean no limits, no boundaries only could mean an anyoing liberty that nobody wants, or even can tolerate.  

Waking up it's always harder than getting slept.-

You're pink you're young you're middle-class
they say it doesn't matter
fifteen blue shirts and womanly hands
you're shooting up the ladder

Your mind is racing like a pro, now
oh my god it doesn't mean a lot to you
one time you were a glowing young ruffian
oh my god it was a million years ago

Sometimes you get up and bake a cake or something
sometimes you stay in bed
sometimes you go la di da di da di da da
til your eyes roll back into your head

Your mind is racing like a pro, now
oh my god it doesn't mean a lot to you
one time you were a glowing young ruffian
oh my god it was a million years ago

you're dumbstruck baby
you're dumbstruck baby now you know
you're dumbstruck baby
you're dumbstruck baby now you know

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